A chisel angle jaw and olive color/size eyes stunned. I set
out and won Lee - seems I just wanted a chance to see him
across the table.
Ain't no real fable, things would eventually assume
clarity, but not before he, Lee, would roundly chase me.
Knew that i was firmly in sight of his remarkable orbs
when he recounted his parent's question, following his to
them about whether they'd care for his daughter Kai while
he visited me in an adjoining state. "Oh, what's her
name?" they'd chimed.
Kai, his lithe sprite named for water; Lee grasped the name
for her while reading a Hawaiian fable
around the time of Kai's planetary descent.
Lee spoke my name; they added it to their curios.
"So," they then asked, "Is she colored?"
"Yeah," (flinching), then, "Why do you ask?"
"'Cause those people always give their kids weird names."
"Hmmm.so what are their names?" I blinked, stinging.
A sly grin crept over Lee's face.
"Ardiss and Burdette.Theophilus." Lawdy.
By Vernyce Dannells
QLRS Vol. 2 No. 4 Jul 2003