The House
Description is to some extent an act of prescription.
This is just to say, it is time to move. We've found a lovely place at —. Love, Mum and Dad. P.S: You each get your own room. Selling Mattresses Since 1982 Next door: a yellow building, stranded in its own specificity, filled with empty beds going for half-price. Outside, a dog barks all day at its own shadow but won't get up. Seven seconds The first thing one notices are the pipes – exposed and running along the walls; later we learn they rattle when disturbed. For me, it is a moment of anguish. To the man in the turquoise boxers, asleep at 11.30pm on Monday, 22nd January– maybe I'll catch you tonight before you close your eyes. 2010-2014 After all, any place can be home until you get used to it. By Cheryl Julia Lee QLRS Vol. 13 No. 1 Jan 2014_____
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