For Medusa
Yes, I know what it was like
to be split open in a place you thought was a temple. And yes, I know the curl of your body as another woman loomed. A gorgon who moved only to spit at your pain. The venom of her words as she cast you out. I too know the rage that twisted your face when you realised that the men would not leave you alone in your shame. How they tried to pull you from your cave, headfirst. Your hair twisted and hissed but no one would bind you with your locks again and then they called you monster. Medusa, your name meant protector and I know that was all you tried to do for yourself. I dream of the scales of your hair, and how they would wrap their tendrils in mine. Of tipping over the statues and covering Perseus's shield with the rubble of every hero that came before him. But those are only dreams. Poseidian continued feasting below the seas. Zeus bore down on girl after girl. Apollo cursed the ones who would not want him back. And your head hung from the hand of your killer while he raised his sword in salute. By Natalie Wang QLRS Vol. 17 No. 4 Oct 2018_____
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