eventually they get the game idea
you whisk in off the street
and there you are friskier in your
overalls or whatever ready
to do any man's job
you are there the next in line
'Od's bodkins man you are here to serve
the New Œconomy and that
means also you are here to serve
at all the cocktail parties and liveries adorn you
so what
so but in the end you get the picture
of a noose let's say suspended
from a high rafter even famously
Quasimodo's bell-rope you think of it
over and again and over
it sets off bells in your mind
or maybe it's the ideal curve of the bell
the bell curve
anyway sometimes you reflect and so reflecting
you get the idea of the game
pistils mortars flutes and whistles
in the air without a care
you Sir me Sir you say Sir sirrah
and the house of cards comes tumbling down