eternity after Marilynne Robinson
and so the old man said
eternity is a thing we have no hope of understanding. things happen the way that they do. a note follows another in a song. a song is itself and not another. a song is a song itself. eternity holds space for all these songs. for a song is like a life, resounding in a kind of tune. lives are what they were and have been. lives are not merely every worst thing. a mother prays for her scoundrel son to be taken up into heaven. Lila thinks this an injustice to the scoundrels with no mothers. people try to get by. people are good by their own lights. people take all the courage that they have to be good. for in eternity, to eternity, eternity is just a thing. By Jonathan Chan QLRS Vol. 22 No. 2 Apr 2023_____
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