Aubade Spare me this drive-by film of suburbania,
white-sweatered frumps walking puffed up little dogs who sniff their piss as if it were ambrosia, and me in my university windbreaker, peering through onioned eyes -earl grey trees, cereal box houses, ranks of dads with strollers in a row and moving on, these sheep that look too much like puffed up dogs, and the cabbie with two fingers on the clutch playing trance of all things and how to rhyme nntz-nntz- nntzz with turn that OFF you prat? I don't need a cab, much less a plane. That ship has sailed; I'm gone, this is the head gawking at the lopped-off body, this is break-up sex with the lights all on. I can't not think of that cup of coffee I made but never got to drink, souring on the counter as the taxi nntzes me away with no end to begin from and an ugly jacket, and what kind of god creates a world where permalove can't be had even for ready money? All I have is images aplenty, photos pouring out of every orifice it's so charming though wanting that fit again of my eye to your faces, I find only shots and shots of trees with spiderlegs for limbs, tops of telephone poles, all the landscape you could ever want to stomp on, and all its threadbare trappings- The metal railings cold to look at. To touch them would be a disappointment. The windows freckled on the other side as if by breath. How strange that they should cast a shadow. The odd-stoned path giving grudging passage. Those sooty trees in the fist of the hill. The coats deflated in the corner- and here's a life less still, I want you to have it, the lot of us Tare Panda-ed on the sofas high on woodsmoke and chatter, singing Gay Bar, Sam with his hand just-bandaged from a glass cut, Hazel's What book, it's matches you dropped you idiot, you got cut for just matches- By Nicholas Liu QLRS Vol. 5 No. 3 Apr 2006_____
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