For those condemned judgement prologues your pain.
Yama, whose province is time and death eternal,
who sits on a buffalo, has many arms, and clubs,
judges not, is merely executioner. We, the implacable,
point our clubs at you. We shall speak now
of cruelties greatly diverse, without par.
Your godless minds by pain shall be sharpened
in great feats of imagination:
like a knife on a grindstone endlessly turning.
Thieves, those indeed who have stolen
elephants, sandals, parasols, or any kind of vehicle,
you will have your tongues pulled out
and demons shall stuff your mouths
with your own shredded feet and toss you into a raging sewer.
You who have shat in temples or defamed a guru
or seduced the wife of a high-born,
abortionists and charlatans, you will
have a choice of twelve.
The unjust, you will be chained and beaten,
then slashed by two edged swords.
False witnesses, you shall be skinned and flayed alive
with a food grater, then hung from trees,
then ground down in a mortar.
Kidnappers, you will be plunged into a vat of molten lead
and the hell of broken bones is what it says.
Those who have trampled the flowers in the gardens
and ponds and stolen vegetables
will have stakes through their throats.
Adulterers and seducers of unmarried youth shall
be thrown to vultures and drowned in a lake of pus.
Licentious female, you will burn in a lake of marrow,
your breasts hang flaccid as desiccated aubergines.
Fraudsters, await your fate, a simmering cauldron of vermin.
Profane doubters, despisers of science,
so you think a pit of worms is mild?
Greedy ones, or those who have defamed the highborn
with their envy, prepare to have your jaws crushed
in a vice in the hell of the oppressive mountain.
Deforesters, you will hang head down among cactuses.
Flower stealer, you shall have nails driven through your skull
in the hell of the lotus.
Those who have eaten unconsecrated meat, await
the unspeakable, the hell of weeping.
In the hell of thick darkness you will
have eyes out, and for the rest
shall await in terror in an eternity of queuing.
Oh exiles and debtors let us say
your hell is indeterminate and indecipherable.
Is there anything we have omitted or overlooked?
Everything we cannot name is here.
We speak thus on behalf
of our glorious organisation
who think of everything.